• Adventures,  Blog

    My Highlights of 2017

    A new year, and new blog post. I hope everyone has settled back into the swing of things and for those who made resolutions – I hope they’re going strong. Personally, I’ve never been one to set New Years Resolutions, but I have set a few habits, hopes, goals and dreams in place that I’d like to achieve this year. If it’s anything like 2017, I’m so excited!

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Cakes & Desserts,  Recipes

    Chocolate Chia Pudding with a Strawberry Compote

    This recipe was inspired by my love for chia seeds. Chia seeds are such an amazing addition to any healthy diet, and can make breakfast such a breeze – not to mention so delicious. Full of superfood goodness, this Chocolate Chia Pudding with a sugar-free Strawberry Compote is the perfect way to start the day. Full of healthy fats and omegas, topped with the incredibly delicious sugar free strawberry compote – the flavor combinations are on point!

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Chocolate Raspberry Mousse Chia Pudding

    I am so excited to share this recipe with you guys, and I had such fun creating it. I find it so amazing how you can create something so decadent, beautiful and delicious with only a handful of ingredients. This recipe is perfect for breakfast and easily prepared the night before or spruce it up for a jaw dropping dessert.  The most exciting part of this recipe was the discovery of the Chocolate Raspberry Mousse. When the ‘coconut milk soaked’ chia seeds are blended with raw cacao, frozen raspberries and a sweetener of your choice, the most decadent perfect textured mousse is created. Stop it! I know! Ah-maizing right??

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Recipes

    Chia & Flax Seed Breakfast Bowl

    These last few weeks I’ve been mixing up my diet a little, and opting for a more ‘high-fat/low-carb/keto‘ approach. I can honestly say that I’ve felt such a difference in only a short period of time. Initially the whole idea seemed a little out of balance to me. However having done more research into this way of eating (and feeling some the benefits), I’ve been pleasantly surprised.  This Chia & Flax Seed Breakfast Bowl has been my go to breakfast option while testing out this new way of eating. It’s quick, fulling and so easy to make, not to mention versatile in that you can have it cold or warm.

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Blueberry Chia Muffins (Vegan)

    I know what you’re probably thinking when looking at this title image – Blood splatter/Dexter crime scene? Right? Thankfully it’s not! It’s just a little Blueberry CHIA drink, beautifully exhibited on my kitchen counter. When the lovely peeps from CHIA sent through some of their delicious drinks, it was time to get creative and play! Now blueberries are one of my staples in the kitchen. They’re so incredibly delicious, loaded with antioxidants and the perfect snack being not too high in sugar. I always have a bag of frozen blueberries in the freezer, and generally like to have them in breakfasts, as well as with coconut yoghurt as an after dinner…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Juices & Smoothies,  Recipes

    Mango Coconut CHIA Tarts and Summer Mocktails

    Is it just me, or is there something so incredibly exciting about new health and wellness products? I walk through the isles of our local Fresh Choice store and am always enticed when I discover a new product on the shelves. Recently there’s been a few popping up and I especially got excited about the launch of CHIA’s new range of gorgeous drinks. Just in time for summer, the lovely CHIA team have release 4 new flavors of their ever popular CHIA range. As you all know, I am super keen on supporting local businesses, and CHIA is definitely one of them! CHIA is a Nelson based company that is…

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Juices & Smoothies,  Recipes

    Blackcurrant CHIA and Mint Protein Smoothie

    Rolling on from my post last week, where I shared a neat Infographic explaining some of the nutritional health benefits of popular culinary herbs, this week I decided to add a little bit of mint to my diet. I don’t often use mint to be perfectly honest, mainly because I seem to forget about it. Does that ever happen to you with certain foods? You’ll forget about them for ages and then one day realize ‘Oh yeah! I forgot about that! I haven’t had that in ages!’ Anyway, I spotted some fresh mint in store and it quickly found it’s way into my shopping basket.

  • Blog,  Recipes,  Spreads & Side Dishes

    Grape and Apple Chia Jam

    I’ll never forget our car journeys from our farm home in the Dargle, KZN South Africa to our schools in Howick, 45km away, and back again in the afternoons. Potting along the dusty dirt road in my mums cobalt blue little Ford Laser. I would always be ravenous by the time we got home after a long tiring day of school. My go to snack before dinner was predominantly peanut butter toast and jam. The highly processed florescent purple jam that came in a tin and was sweet as pure glucose! (*Insert yuk face here*) It was called Hugo’s if I remember correctly. Aaahhh adolescent bad food choices, how things have changed! Now this…

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Recipes

    Breakfast Chia Jar

    A breakfast jar is the perfect option if you’re rushed most mornings, tend to skip breakfast for lack of time, or just enjoy to have the reach and eat option first thing in the morning. By preparing this jar the night before, it’ll be ready in the morning for you to just grab and munch! So easy, so delicious and so fulling!  This recipe is so so tasty, and is really versatile too, so you can add ingredients that suit your taste. In this jar I’ve used banana and golden kiwi fruit to sweeten it, but you can really add what ever fruits you like. I’m thinking of maybe doing a…

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Cakes & Desserts,  Recipes

    Coconut Chia and Banana Passion Fruit Breakfast Bowl

    A couple of posts ago, you’d see our Adventure to Picton, New Zealand, and on this adventure we managed to find a massive stretch of Banana Passion Fruit vines. Now while we were there, there weren’t many to be found, ripe and on the ground. We did, however, find a few and I at least got to taste this delicious fruit for the first time. One of my lovely friends, Lee-Anne, then gave me a bag of them that our trusty tour guide had managed to collect on a trip back up to Picton the following day. The big rainfall from the previous night had helped bring these little gems down…
