
  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Hazelnut and Pistachio Crispy Quinoa Clusters

    Oooohhhh this one’s a goodie! This Hazelnut and Pistachio Crispy Quinoa Clusters recipe is so tasty, and really hard to stop at one. Let’s admit it, we’re all fans of tasty treats! Whether it be sweet or savory. The hard part is to know when to stop, and that includes the healthy treats you’ll find here.  I recently came across two ingredients, that I knew would create something spectacular. Crispy quinoa puffs and a jar of (freaking delicious) hazelnut butter! Hazelnut butter and me have a special connection, we understand each other, really really well πŸ™‚ 

  • Blog,  Recipes,  Spreads & Side Dishes

    Chunky Hummus

    A plant based diet is slowly being recognized as the way forward, which is so exciting! As more and more people feel the benefits from eating this way, less are looking back at their ‘old ways’. Now one of the main things we as plant based eaters get asked constantly, over and over and over again, is “Where do you get your protein from? Are you eating enough?” I chuckle and remain nonchalant. The truth is, yes protein is essential for our health and for our body to thrive as it is the building blocks of every cell in our body, yet over the years, the big shots in control of…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Recipes

    Apple and Sunflower Seed Crumble

    It has been getting rather chilly here in Nelson, New Zealand. Growing up on a farm way out in the Dargle, South Africa, you’d think the cold would have little affect on me. I suppose I’m just a little bit of a wimp these days, brrrrrrr!!!!! Warm baths, comfy PJ’s and lots of cuddles definitely help, but so does a delicious warming meal followed by and even better warming and satisfying healthy dessert. What better way to end of a chilly evening, with a bowl of this delicious apple and sunflower seed crumble! Apple and cinnamon are a flavor match made in heaven! The tart sweetness of the apple compliments the…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Feijoa and Coconut Muffins

    Experimenting in the kitchen with different fruits can be exciting and challenging. For me, playing with the New Zealand Feijoa fruit has been incredibly fun. Coming from South Africa, I had never ever heard of such fruit, never mind tasting it. So I was ‘over the moon’ excited to try out this cute little odd shaped fruit, especially being someone who loves trying different fruits and vegetables. I instantly fell in love with the flavor, and that was me, hooked πŸ™‚ So you can imagine how happy I was when a lovely friend blessed me with a whole bag full of the funny little fruits, straight off the tree from her…

  • Blog,  Lunch,  Main Meals,  Recipes,  Spreads & Side Dishes

    Vegan Cauliflower Cheese

    Yum! Yum! Yum! I seriously cannot get enough of this dish! I’ve always been fond of cauliflower, and these days there is so much you can do with it. From cauli-rice to cauli-pizza bases, the possibilities are endless with this versatile cruciferous vegetable. I remember growing up, whenever we had a roast dinner (blegh) my mum would make her famous Cauliflower Cheese. She made it so well and it was always a hit on the dinner table. So, I decided to try and replicate her dish, by giving it a healthy, vegan twist to satisfy my cravings. I absolutely love it when recipes just work! And this one really really does!…

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Recipes

    Ginger & Apple Granola

    This recipe is just a slightly updated recipe to my previous Homemade Muesli recipe, which you can find here. I think breakfast has to be one of my favorite meals of the day. I always look forward to it, and this breakfast granola is one of the best! This recipe has similar ingredients, but with a few tweaked additions. Firstly I added a bunch of fresh grated ginger, which lifts the flavor to high heights. I love the taste of ginger, especially when it’s mixed with cinnamon. Ginger is such a great digestion aid, so it’s perfect to get this in your belly at the beginning of the day.

  • Blog,  Main Meals,  Recipes

    Coconut Brown Rice Bowl & Avocado a La Creme Dressing

    I was so ‘over-the-moon happy’ when I experimented with making this rice dish, as it turned out so damn tasty! If you’re new to healthy eating, you’ll agree that sometimes brown rice can taste a bit bland and husky.  I decided to mix things up a bit and see if I could make brown rice more palatable to those who aren’t used to it. I, myself, absolutely love the taste of brown rice, but I know for some it can be difficult to change and adapt to healthy eating, and so I’m here to make it that much easier for you πŸ™‚ Okay, so the trick with this dish, as you may…

  • Blog,  Recipes,  Spreads & Side Dishes

    Avocado a La Creme Dressing

    In the early days of my lifestyle shift, I completely disregarded salad dressings. With every salad that was order on a dinner out, my request would always be “No dressing, please”.  Most of the salads at restaurants were drenched in oily, tasteless dressings that were (most probably) laden with sugar, preservatives and who knows what other additives. My salads that I’d make at home would either be naked, or drizzled with fresh lemon or orange juice, but never a full on salad dressing. Lately, however, I have been more adventurous, and have been experimenting with dressings and sauces, and balancing the flavors allowing them to complement a dish, rather than over…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Recipes

    Raw Vegan Lemon & Lime Cheesecake

    The world of raw food is so diverse, and really can be so artistic. I often sit scrolling the internet for inspiration, and my mind is often blown at what people can create with raw food. Now I don’t mean raw as in salmonella raw, I mean food that hasn’t been heated over 47degrees C (I think) and no nutrients or natural enzymes of the food have been damaged due to heat. I myself don’t follow a fully raw diet at all. I find what feels good with my body, and my body likes warm foods. I do, although, like to keep between 60% and 80% of my diet raw, which…

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Cakes & Desserts,  Recipes

    Coconut Chia and Banana Passion Fruit Breakfast Bowl

    A couple of posts ago, you’d see our Adventure to Picton, New Zealand, and on this adventure we managed to find a massive stretch of Banana Passion Fruit vines. Now while we were there, there weren’t many to be found, ripe and on the ground. We did, however, find a few and I at least got to taste this delicious fruit for the first time. One of my lovely friends, Lee-Anne, then gave me a bag of them that our trusty tour guide had managed to collect on a trip back up to Picton the following day. The big rainfall from the previous night had helped bring these little gems down…
