Blog,  Healthy Living

My Go-To, Clean and Green Living Top 7 products

I see myself as an evolving naturalist, trying to keep living as simple as possible. Within saying that, I choose to use natural alternatives in every day living.

Top 7 clean green living products

 1. Apple Cider Vinegar




I use this to clean, as facial toner, in salad dressings and sometimes I’ll have a shot of it before each meal to restore equilibrium and aid in digestion.

2. Fresh Lemons


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I use lemon juice in juices, smoothies, herbal teas and in warm water every morning. I also use it in the sink if I’m washing dishes, works so well to clean glasses. I use it as an antibacterial surface spray. Combined with olive oil it works so well as an exfoliator, and diluted with water and witch hazel for a skin toner.

3. Bicarbonate of Soda



I absolutely LOVE bicarb and use it sooooo often!!! I make a natural bicarb based deodorant which works so well! Bicarb help to absorb and eliminate odor, so it works great in ya pits! It’s great for exfoliating as it restores pH of the skin, and helps with dark spots. If you do ever burn a pan or pot, chuck some bicarb into it with some water and let simmer on a low heat. It should lift the majority of the burnt foods. I also add it to my home made disinfecting surface sprays.So many uses!!!

4. Coconut Oil


Close-up of coconut oil on the wooden spoon


Every household should have coconut oil. From frying to baking to tasty treat making, coconut oil is your go-to product. I also use it for oil pulling, which an Ayurveda dental technique where you kinda swish a tablespoon of coconut oil around in your mouth for 20-30 mins and then spit it out (not down the drain as it solidify’s). The coconut oil actually pulls impurities and toxins out of your mouth, and helps to clean your teeth. Your mouth feels AMAZING afterwards!!!! I also use coconut oil in my homemade deodorant, and as a makeup remover and moisturizer.

5. Pure Essential Oils



Love love love essential oils! I use them in my Epsom salt baths, as perfumes, in my surface cleaners and to make my space smell soothingly wonderful. I also like to make my own home fresherners using them. Kick the mainstream room fresheners laden with Formaldehyde, Butylated hydroxytoluene and Acetaldehyde to the curb, and replace with calming natural essential oil based air spritzers. If you’re able to, try and find these doTERRA Essential Oils. I recently went to a doTERRA seminar and WOW! These oils are amazing!!!!!  They are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade making them super pure and the best quality oils. They actually make their oils from plants grown in their natural habitats. How amazing is that!!! 


6. Hydrogen Peroxide


Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is a super amazing product. What it does is that when taken internally it gives the body a high concentration of oxygen so that diseased cells die and normal cells are revitalized. Remember disease cannot live in an oxygen full environment. Since it is essentially water with one extra oxygen atom, when it is absorbed by the body, it releases that extra atom into the blood, thereby creating a flood of oxygen. There is much research on H2O2 being used for a list of ailments. Be cautious though, as the 3% H2O2 you find in most stores can only be applied to the skin and not internally. Other uses that I use H2O2 for include in the washing machine, it really cleans clothes well, and as a cleaning agent too. Brilliant for cleaning the shower and toilet, diluted with water.

7. Activated Charcoal



Lastly there’s activated charcoal. Thanks to my super cool Mum for getting me hooked on this amazing product. It is quite well known in the medical world, where is has been used in drug over doses and in wound dressings for it’s amazing absorption properties. I use activated charcoal to brush my teeth, works so well to get them shiny and white. It’s also been used in face masks, and is great to take internally for a quick detox, or to aid in gas/bloating. Super cool product, and always a must. Thanks Mamarama πŸ˜‰

So there you have it friends, some of the main products I use to keep my body and home toxin free. I hope this inspires you to play around a bit with your own personal and home care products. 

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Images: Google Images (except the lemon pic, that’s mine πŸ˜‰ )

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