Apple and Raspberry Vegan Galette
It’s that time again for another recipe to share, and what better way to celebrate the beginning of Spring than with a vibrant Apple and Raspberry Vegan Galette. This recipe is so delicious and is the perfect option when entertaining or taking around to a friends place for morning tea. I decided to use spelt flour as it actually has so any health benefits, even if it does contain gluten. Now I do tend to stay away from gluten, but every now and then I’ll have it in the form of a home made recipe, or something that I know exactly what’s gone into it. Organic spelt flour used in this…
My Highlights of 2017
A new year, and new blog post. I hope everyone has settled back into the swing of things and for those who made resolutions – I hope they’re going strong. Personally, I’ve never been one to set New Years Resolutions, but I have set a few habits, hopes, goals and dreams in place that I’d like to achieve this year. If it’s anything like 2017, I’m so excited!