• Blog,  Breakfast,  Recipes

    Breakfast Quinoa Porridge

    Quinoa has to be one of my favorite grains! (that technically is not a grain but in fact a seed!) It’s versatility alone makes it extremely favorable and it’s almost nutty flavor adds is so delicious. Be it breakfast, lunch or dinner this Aztec ‘superfood’ can be paired with a variety of foods. I decided to create an updated Quinoa Porridge recipe and share how I’ve been loving this grain in the mornings. I’ve found it gives me so much more energy than say regular oats, and I think gluten may be one of the reasons. I tend to tolerate oats, but have noticed quite a difference in my overall energy…

  • Blog,  Breads and Crackers,  Recipes,  Spreads & Side Dishes

    Garlic and Onion Sunflower Seed Crackers

    There’s nothing quite like the crunch of a freshly homemade seed cracker. That first initial bite, has to be one of my favorite things when making a homemade batch. Seed crackers are so great and are a diabetic’s BEST friend. Being predominately seeds, that generally have little carbs, they won’t spike your blood sugars which is fantastic! It’ can be quite difficult to find ‘me-friendly’ snacks when perusing the isles. Steering clear of high GI ingredients, sugars, animal products, … the list goes on! So that’s why I find it so comforting to know I can whip up a batch of these delicious crackers, enjoy them with either savory (hummus)…

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Juices & Smoothies,  Recipes

    Blackcurrant CHIA and Mint Protein Smoothie

    Rolling on from my post last week, where I shared a neat Infographic explaining some of the nutritional health benefits of popular culinary herbs, this week I decided to add a little bit of mint to my diet. I don’t often use mint to be perfectly honest, mainly because I seem to forget about it. Does that ever happen to you with certain foods? You’ll forget about them for ages and then one day realize ‘Oh yeah! I forgot about that! I haven’t had that in ages!’ Anyway, I spotted some fresh mint in store and it quickly found it’s way into my shopping basket.

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Chocolate Walnut Brownies

    There’s nothing quite like sinking your teeth into a moist, rich and decadent chocolate brownie! With the subtle texture of crushed walnuts to add the explosion of your senses, this recipe for Chocolate Walnut Brownies is sure to inspire you to pull up your sleeves, get busy in the kitchen and create these squares of complete awesomeness as soon as possible! They’re gluten free, so won’t be upsetting any tummy’s, and are loaded with nutritional goodness! And people say vegan/vegetarian food is boring/tasteless. Pft!?! They obviously haven’t tried these brownies, and many of the amazing vegan recipes you can find today. 

  • Blog,  Lunch,  Recipes,  Spreads & Side Dishes

    Grilled Aubergine with Lemon Basil Drizzle

    Whether it’s an accompanied dish to a dinner party, or a light veggie lunch, this Grilled Aubergine recipe with Lemon Basil drizzle will impress and satisfy. Sometimes we don’t feel like a whole lot of food, yet still need some sort of nourishment, and when I’m feeling that way, this is a great option to go for. It’s light and doesn’t have any dense carbohydrates, so although it won’t pack a massive amount of energy, it will nourish and help one from skipping a meal when one is not feeling too hungry. The flavors are scrumptious, and the vibrant Lemon Basil drizzle really compliments the charred aubergine well. 

  • Blog,  Recipes,  Spreads & Side Dishes

    Grape and Apple Chia Jam

    I’ll never forget our car journeys from our farm home in the Dargle, KZN South Africa to our schools in Howick, 45km away, and back again in the afternoons. Potting along the dusty dirt road in my mums cobalt blue little Ford Laser. I would always be ravenous by the time we got home after a long tiring day of school. My go to snack before dinner was predominantly peanut butter toast and jam. The highly processed florescent purple jam that came in a tin and was sweet as pure glucose! (*Insert yuk face here*) It was called Hugo’s if I remember correctly. Aaahhh adolescent bad food choices, how things have changed! Now this…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    South African Mylk Tart

    Lately I’ve been feeling rather nostalgic. I’ve been reminiscing old memories and missing my family, friends and home country. It’s now been roughly 17 months since I opened my wings, flew out of Durban South Africa, and nestled into a new life with my love in this beautiful country, New Zealand. I have loved every single step of my journey and am incredibly grateful each and every day. Yet I do think of my ‘people’ back home ALL the time and miss them all so dearly!  So to cheer my spirits I decided to get back to my roots, and create a healthy vegan version of a great South African traditional dessert. It’s wonderful how food is…

  • Blog,  Lunch,  Main Meals,  Recipes

    Mixed Herb Lentil and Wild Rice Chunky Soup

      As the days get shorter and the mornings get darker, I can feel the changes in the weather. Although subtle, the crisp cooler air in the mornings is becoming more apparent, and I can feel the seasons shifting. In a way I am glad. I’m not particularly fond of the cold, but I am grateful for balance, even in nature. It allows me to appreciate the warmth of Summer and for that I am grateful. Life is all about balance, and so why not embrace the balance of nature. With that said, I had been craving something nourishing, dense and filling. A dish of substance and bold flavors, one…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Raw Vegan Peppermint Chocolate

    Easter eggs are popping up everywhere, and I don’t know about you but this time of year my chocolate cravings tend to escalate rapidly. So I decided that it would be a great idea to share a healthy, decadent and nourishing chocolate recipe. A recipe that’s indulgent and free from guilt. A recipe that’ll leave your saliva glands working on over time. A recipe that’ll keep you coming back for more…. I’m sure by now you get the picture.

  • Blog,  Lunch,  Main Meals,  Recipes

    Roasted Red Capsicum, Tomato and Basil Pasta

    Can we just all stop for one second, and revel in the news that ‘Plant-Based Food’ is named a top trend for 2016. Say What??? I mean, HELL YEAH!!!! It’s about time!!! This little snippet of information has got me super excited, and happy that more and more people are opting for a plant based lifestyle. This is amazing, and I’m so thrilled as I truly do believe it is the way forward! The fact that more awareness is being steered towards nourishing wholefoods, and lifestyles free from animal products is so inspiring! And this Roasted Red Capsicum, Tomato and Basil Pasta is an example of how delicious this lifestyle can be.
