• Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Mesquite Almond Slice

    Happy Spring! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining (for most of the time that is), there are blossoms everywhere and we’ve just got back from giving all the new born Spring babies some love at the animal farm. I just love this time of year! As we begin to feel more energized, coming out of the cooler Winter months, healthy snacks can be a great way to increase your energy throughout the day. These absolutely delicious Mesquite Almond Superfood Slices are the perfect way to keep you full of beans and bursting with energy. Stabilizing your blood sugars (diabetic or not) has a huge effect on your energy…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes,  Wellness with Taryn

    Caramel Hazelnut Balls – Only 4 Ingredients

    It’s my mission to share how delicious and easy healthy food can be. This Caramel Hazelnut Bliss Ball recipe is the perfect way to show how incredibly tasty healthy treats can be. Using only 4 ingredients (yes you read correct, only 4 ingredients!), these balls are fudgy and have the most perfect texture, and the lightly roasted hazelnut flavor adds such a delicious dimension to this simple healthy recipe.

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Chocolate Nut & Seed Clusters

    The health and wellness sphere can be quite confusing at times. It’s incredibly easy to get caught up in the latest fad, and jumping in full steam ahead can be at times more detrimental than beneficial. With so many influencers out there, the pressure of doing what’s right for you can seem all too much to cope with.  It’s in these regards that I always come back to and promote intuitive eating. Yes, this may include experimenting with certain foods and ways of eating, but ultimately it’s finding what feels good and what makes you happy and full of energy. These Chocolate Nut & Seed Clusters are a perfect example of…

  • Blog,  Juices & Smoothies,  Recipes

    Chocolate Hazelnut Smoothie

    Hope you’re all easing into the New Year well. It’s been beautiful weather here in Nelson. The sun’s been shining brightly these last couple days and the cool, refreshing breeze has been a breath of fresh air. I love this time of year, so much! I love getting out on the weekends, going on unknown adventures, and being immersed in nature. The sun kissed glow to the skin is always welcomed.  We met up with a gorgeous friend at the Nelson Saturday Market on the weekend (which was fab), and I stumbled across some deliciously fresh hazelnuts which I just had to have. Now, I must admit, I may have…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Chocolate Espresso No Bake Brownies

    Coffee! One of the most popular drinks in the world. Most cannot start a day without it. When I’m out and about I tend to drink decaf, however a shot of caffeine every now and then is okay. I can definitely feel the effects of caffeine, maybe as I’ve become more sensitive to it. To be honest, I never really feel that great after having a coffee – be it decaf or regular, yet in the moment it always seems like a good idea. Recently I’ve been cutting out soy from my diet, so I’ve been having my decaf cappi’s with almond milk, which is pretty tasty! Although I still feel rather…

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Cakes & Desserts,  Recipes

    Vegan Cinnamon Waffles

    I have been dying to get a waffle maker for ages now, and it finally happened! So you can guess who’s recently been having waffles galore! It’s so nice to experiment and try foods that you wouldn’t normally eat. Though of course these still fall between the lines of being gluten free, refined sugar free, healthy and vegan. Experimenting and creating different dishes, trying new ingredients, and really just having fun with your food can be so rewarding, especially if you know that the food you’re eating is doing your body a whole lot of good (as well as your mind πŸ˜‰ )

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes,  Uncategorized

    Sweet Potato Chocolate Tahini Fudge

    There comes a time in our month, week or day that we long for a bit of indulgence. These cravings can be mild or full blown, and when the latter is evident, it’s great to have a healthy decadent option on hand to satisfy those needs. Now, I never quite realized how many delicious options there are when making a healthy refined sugar free treat. The internet has exploded with Instagram pictures that’ll make you literally salivate and that’s just the brunt of it! The amount of creative deliciousness that’s out there is astounding, and this inspires me to no end!

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Turmeric Ginger Slices

    I don’t know where you are in the world right now, but it’s getting pretty chilly where I am! Winter is most certainly evident in Nelson, and the snow capped mountains in the distance, that greet me every morning, are a sure sign that the seasons have changed and colder times are on the way! And along with the chilly mornings and darker afternoons, come the subtle effects or ‘symptoms’ of the changing seasons. May it be a snuffled nose, a sneeze, a cold or the flu, winter likes to let us know it’s here! So I’ve created these Turmeric Ginger Slices that will not only boost your immune system to harp…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    South African Mylk Tart

    Lately I’ve been feeling rather nostalgic. I’ve been reminiscing old memories and missing my family, friends and home country. It’s now been roughly 17 months since I opened my wings, flew out of Durban South Africa, and nestled into a new life with my love in this beautiful country, New Zealand. I have loved every single step of my journey and am incredibly grateful each and every day. Yet I do think of my ‘people’ back home ALL the time and miss them all so dearly!  So to cheer my spirits I decided to get back to my roots, and create a healthy vegan version of a great South African traditional dessert. It’s wonderful how food is…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Raw Vegan Peppermint Chocolate

    Easter eggs are popping up everywhere, and I don’t know about you but this time of year my chocolate cravings tend to escalate rapidly. So I decided that it would be a great idea to share a healthy, decadent and nourishing chocolate recipe. A recipe that’s indulgent and free from guilt. A recipe that’ll leave your saliva glands working on over time. A recipe that’ll keep you coming back for more…. I’m sure by now you get the picture.
