• Blog,  Lunch,  Main Meals,  Recipes

    Cauliflower Pizza with Sunflower Seed ‘Ricotta’

    Happy New Year! I wish all my beautiful followers a year filled with happiness, excitement, bliss and all delicious things that make this life so great! If you’re trying to incorporate more healthier dishes into your life, then you’re in the right place! Join me in nourishing our bodies with wholesome goodness (like with this Cauliflower Pizza & Sunflower Seed ‘Ricotta’), training our minds to incline towards the positive thoughts in life and incorporate more physical movement into our days to live our best possible life. Now if you’re up for a challenge, I suggest you check out Veganuary. It’s an initiative to help inspire others to live a kinder way…

  • Blog,  Breads and Crackers,  Recipes,  Spreads & Side Dishes

    Garlic and Onion Sunflower Seed Crackers

    There’s nothing quite like the crunch of a freshly homemade seed cracker. That first initial bite, has to be one of my favorite things when making a homemade batch. Seed crackers are so great and are a diabetic’s BEST friend. Being predominately seeds, that generally have little carbs, they won’t spike your blood sugars which is fantastic! It’ can be quite difficult to find ‘me-friendly’ snacks when perusing the isles. Steering clear of high GI ingredients, sugars, animal products, … the list goes on! So that’s why I find it so comforting to know I can whip up a batch of these delicious crackers, enjoy them with either savory (hummus)…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Recipes

    Apple and Sunflower Seed Crumble

    It has been getting rather chilly here in Nelson, New Zealand. Growing up on a farm way out in the Dargle, South Africa, you’d think the cold would have little affect on me. I suppose I’m just a little bit of a wimp these days, brrrrrrr!!!!! Warm baths, comfy PJ’s and lots of cuddles definitely help, but so does a delicious warming meal followed by and even better warming and satisfying healthy dessert. What better way to end of a chilly evening, with a bowl of this delicious apple and sunflower seed crumble! Apple and cinnamon are a flavor match made in heaven! The tart sweetness of the apple compliments the…
