Rice Noodle Salad with Pineapple Thyme Dressing
Although Winter is inevitably on it’s way, and actually should be here already, I thought it a good idea to squeeze out one last salad recipe. A ‘farewell to Summer’ recipe as you may, and this one is yummy and experiments with different taste combinations. The subtle, dry aroma and a slightly minty flavor of the Thyme, blends quite beautifully with the attractive sweet flavour of the pineapple. It’s an odd combination, but it works! and this Rice Noodle Salad with Pineapple Thyme dressing proves that!
Chocolate Walnut Brownies
There’s nothing quite like sinking your teeth into a moist, rich and decadent chocolate brownie! With the subtle texture of crushed walnuts to add the explosion of your senses, this recipe for Chocolate Walnut Brownies is sure to inspire you to pull up your sleeves, get busy in the kitchen and create these squares of complete awesomeness as soon as possible! They’re gluten free, so won’t be upsetting any tummy’s, and are loaded with nutritional goodness! And people say vegan/vegetarian food is boring/tasteless. Pft!?! They obviously haven’t tried these brownies, and many of the amazing vegan recipes you can find today.
Cinnamon Oat Biscuits
From porridge, to health bars to bulking up veggie burger patties, there’s just so much you can do with this grain. Which grain is that you wonder? I’m talking about oats! I think (if you can tolerate and digest it), oats has to be one of the main essentials in a healthy kitchen pantry. It’s always great to have on hand and is so versatile it can be used in a wide variety of foods. These Cinnamon Oat Biscuits are a fine example of what you can create, by using this humble grain.
Grape and Apple Chia Jam
I’ll never forget our car journeys from our farm home in the Dargle, KZN South Africa to our schools in Howick, 45km away, and back again in the afternoons. Potting along the dusty dirt road in my mums cobalt blue little Ford Laser. I would always be ravenous by the time we got home after a long tiring day of school. My go to snack before dinner was predominantly peanut butter toast and jam. The highly processed florescent purple jam that came in a tin and was sweet as pure glucose! (*Insert yuk face here*) It was called Hugo’s if I remember correctly. Aaahhh adolescent bad food choices, how things have changed! Now this…
South African Mylk Tart
Lately I’ve been feeling rather nostalgic. I’ve been reminiscing old memories and missing my family, friends and home country. It’s now been roughly 17 months since I opened my wings, flew out of Durban South Africa, and nestled into a new life with my love in this beautiful country, New Zealand. I have loved every single step of my journey and am incredibly grateful each and every day. Yet I do think of my ‘people’ back home ALL the time and miss them all so dearly! So to cheer my spirits I decided to get back to my roots, and create a healthy vegan version of a great South African traditional dessert. It’s wonderful how food is…
Raw Vegan Peppermint Chocolate
Easter eggs are popping up everywhere, and I don’t know about you but this time of year my chocolate cravings tend to escalate rapidly. So I decided that it would be a great idea to share a healthy, decadent and nourishing chocolate recipe. A recipe that’s indulgent and free from guilt. A recipe that’ll leave your saliva glands working on over time. A recipe that’ll keep you coming back for more…. I’m sure by now you get the picture.
Raw Lemon Squares
Lemons! Fresh lemons from a gorgeous workmate, picked straight from her abundant tree. Local is most definitely best, and so much more appreciated! So with all these beautiful bright vibrant lemons, I decided to make the most decadent, creamy, zesty and incredibly moreish Raw Lemon Squares. Goodness, these little squares of happiness have to be one of my favorite creations lately. I just can’t get enough of them.
Apple Pecan Spelt Pastry Pies
Many of us will be busy with showing our love and appreciation towards our other halves this month, and I thought what better time to also focus on our own personal self-love. Adding some self love in the form of good nutrition, like with these Apple Pecan Spelt Pastry Pies, can not only make our bodies happy, they also make us feel good. Many of us tend to forget that we ourselves deserve endless amounts of self-love, to feel connected, to be grateful and to feel happy and alive. When you’re sending positive beautiful loving energy to your self, magic happens. And when you’re feeling down or sad, it’s amazing…
Carrot Date Bites
I think, of all the healthy sweet alternatives, dates have to be my number one favorite! My heart is ever so happy when I can get my grubby little paws on delicious Medjool dates, but when not, the regular cheaper dates are just as good! They’re such a versatile ingredient, and can be used in savory and sweet dishes and desserts. They’re also a great staple to have in the cupboard for when you feel like throwing something together to satisfy that sweet craving. These Carrot Date Bites are great to make for those such moments.
Mango and Strawberry Nice Cream
As we ease into the New Year, I thought a nice and simple deliciously healthy ‘nice’ cream recipe would be most fitting. Something satisfying and really easy to make! We’re all slowly getting back into the swing of things, and complicated food recipes just won’t cut it.