• Blog,  Healthy Living

    My Current Favorite Products

    This week I thought I’d do something a little different on the blog, by sharing some of the products I’ve been loving recently. I always love reading other wellness bloggers and finding out what interesting goodies they’ve been using. I find it quite inspiring and really interesting so why not share what I’ve been using? They range from tea to superfoods to self tan, and are all natural and eco-friendly. So grab a mug of tea, nestle down and get cosy.

  • Blog,  Healthy Living

    Ten Toxic Cosmetic Chemicals to Avoid

    It is absolutely mind boggling when you sit down and actually think about all the chemicals we are exposed to each and every day. Our cosmetics alone are laden with them, let alone the other household and environmental chemicals we come in to contact with on a daily basis. Now I’m not here to preach and tell you to throw out all your cosmetics, but I am here just to enlighten you with the effects of some of these carcinogens that lurk in our cosmetic ingredients lists.  Most of them you can’t even pronounce! Like BUTYLATED HYDROXYTOLUENE! What a mouthful! This nasty little bugger is an anti-oxidant. It slows down the rate…

  • Blog,  Healthy Living

    Earth Friendly Body, Home and Living Products (Ecostore Product Review)

    When you start becoming aware of what your putting in your body, you’ll begin to take a closer look at what your putting on your body and what products you use around your home. Once I started doing a bit of research into what effects these unpronounceable ingredients have on our bodies and our environment, my eyes grew big and I actually had to take a moment. How can a society be using these toxic and harmful ingredients in so many commonly used products. It definitely warped my mind. So with this new found knowledge I decided to clean out all my toxic chemical laden beauty, bath and home products.…
