• Blog,  Drinks & Dairy Free Milks,  Recipes

    The Best Matcha Latte (Vegan)

    The end of the year is nigh. Happy holidays and festive fun! What better a time than now to boost our health, in preparation for the holiday festivities. And I’ve got the perfect thing! This could just be the best vegan Matcha Latte recipe you’ll ever find! It’s so so delicious and I literally have this every morning. I find matcha gives me such a great boost of sustained energy Most will be reflecting on the past year, some will be focusing on goals for the new year ahead, and I’d like to encourage you to take a moment to be present.

  • Blog

    Practicing Mindfulness

    Practicing mindfulness is not only great for the soul, it allows a flood of calmness through the body, which can be great for those who tend to stress. With myself being a Type 1 Diabetic, a stressful mind can wreck havoc with my sugar levels, so I discovered an easy way to practice mindfulness that leaves me feeling satisfied, happy and ‘whole’ in a way πŸ™‚ 
