• Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Salted Peanut Butter Cashew Fudge

    I was recently invited to speak at Revolution – Women Empowering Women, which was a charity event in Nelson. The event was in aid of raising funds for the wonderful Whole Lotta Life foundation which was founded by Kristine Paterson in 2013. This foundation aims to provide those diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 20-45yrs a community filled with knowledge, guidance, hope and support. It aims to give people what they need – a community with support and access to information that’s related to them specifically. This foundation raises funds for retreats where inspiration flows and hope is restored. It’s such a great cause and it was such an…

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Pic’s Peanut Butter Factory Tour

    I am such an avid fan of supporting local businesses, and in Nelson, I’m so lucky to have access to an array of beautiful products made locally. From locally picked frozen berries to Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, I make a point of supporting local businesses and reducing my carbon footprint as much as I can. In these modern times I believe every little helps! That brings me to one of my most favorite locally made products, and one that has featured in a number of my published recipes, the ever so popular Pic’s Peanut Butter! 

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Black Bean Peanut Butter Brownies

    Oh! My! Goodness! Who knew you could create the most amazing textured, gooey brownies with … wait for it … BLACK BEANS!!!!! It’s insane! But soooooo good!!!! Now I must say, I am definitely one for trying out crazy combinations and crazy ingredients, and this one just hit the nail on the head! This could be, possibly, one of my favorite recipes to date! Yes, it’s that good! Call me crazy, but I get so excited when I discover new and brilliant uses for simple ingredients, such as black beans. From adding beetroot and other root vegetables to healthy treats, to using frozen bananas to create the most creamiest delicious…

  • Blog,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes,  Wellness with Taryn

    Peanut Butter Oat Cookies

    I’ve been dying to sit down with a warm cuppa chai tea and a tasty, healthy, sugar-free cookie to dunk! So I decided to make a batch, and they turned out amazing! These cookies are yummyΒ as a mid-morning or afternoon pick me up. They really keep you going, and deliver effective sustained energy. They’re great for all ages, making them a perfect healthy option for the whole family. TheirΒ crisp outside, and slightly chewy inside is just too delicious! I really enjoyed making them, decorating them, and of course, eating them! They’re animal product free (vegan), refined sugar free, dairy free and guilt free!
