Natural Homemade Deodorant
One thing I am so passionate about is natural deodorant, and have converted a fair few people to using alternative natural deodorants as opposed to main stream ones. Embracing natural beauty and all it has to offer, is so exciting and quite liberating when you begin to realize how much less your exposing your cells to. This post is all about the Natural Homemade Deodorant I make and have been making for the last 4-5 years. Tried and tested over and over again, it really is my go to deodorant choice – one that I know works so well, only has a handful of ingredients and is so incredibly affordable.
Chunky Hummus
A plant based diet is slowly being recognized as the way forward, which is so exciting! As more and more people feel the benefits from eating this way, less are looking back at their ‘old ways’. Now one of the main things we as plant based eaters get asked constantly, over and over and over again, is “Where do you get your protein from? Are you eating enough?” I chuckle and remain nonchalant. The truth is, yes protein is essential for our health and for our body to thrive as it is the building blocks of every cell in our body, yet over the years, the big shots in control of…
Almond Milk
A delicious and easy alternative to dairy. Almond milk contains no cholesterol or lactose and due to its nutritional content, it is the best alternative for those who have an intolerance to dairy products or soy products.