Chocolate Nut & Seed Clusters
The health and wellness sphere can be quite confusing at times. It’s incredibly easy to get caught up in the latest fad, and jumping in full steam ahead can be at times more detrimental than beneficial. With so many influencers out there, the pressure of doing what’s right for you can seem all too much to cope with. It’s in these regards that I always come back to and promote intuitive eating. Yes, this may include experimenting with certain foods and ways of eating, but ultimately it’s finding what feels good and what makes you happy and full of energy. These Chocolate Nut & Seed Clusters are a perfect example of…
Oat Crunchie Bars
It’s Easter weekend and I’m slowly slipping into this well awaited break/4 day weekend. I can’t quite believe that we’re a third of the way through the year already, but I’m feeling happy with how this year is shaping out. We have an exciting trip back to South Africa planned in October, which I am so happy about. I cannot wait to see my family and friends. Holiday times can be hard when you’re away from your family and friends, and at times like these I like to reminisce in memories, and this Oat Crunchie Bar recipe in particular was inspired by childhood memories I’ll never forget.