• Blog,  Wellness with Taryn

    My Diagnosis and my Healing Protocols

    Thank you to those who’ve stuck around while I’ve been on a few months hiatus. I think the last time I posted a recipe was before our trip to South Africa at the end of last year. Needless to say I’ve been out of the swing of things with regards to this little online space. But I have returned and wanted to share my recent diagnosis with you, so grab a cup of tea and let’s get into it.  In my mind, when scary health events happen in our lives, we often look to others for help, comfort or suggestions. It’s human nature to seek connection in times of uncertainty,…

  • Adventures,  Blog,  Healthy Living

    The Healing Power of Nature

    I am a firm believer in the healing power of nature. I have always loved being in nature, even from a little girl. Growing up on a farm meant endless adventures with my brother, exploring all that we could. From mud fights in the dam, to building forts in the pine forest, to family walks up the mountain. All of these experiences, and many more, became the foundation of my love for nature. The healing aspect of nature is one that continues to fascinate me, as more and more research shows us the efficacy that nature has on healing the mind, body and spirit.

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Lemon and Thyme Tartlets

    As the season’s change, and we slip back into our Winter cocoons, I reflect back on to the warmer and longer days. I love this time of year, as it always reminds me how balance is so important in our lives, as well as in nature. While our Summer wasn’t as great as last years, I still am grateful and am looking forward to Winter. While we (in the Southern Hemisphere) transition into this cooler season, colds and flu’s may arise, and these Lemon Thyme Tartlets are just what you need to satisfy your sweet tooth, and keep you on guard for those pesky Winter colds. Using the Artemis Thyme…

  • Blog

    7 Day Distance Healing (Reiki)

    Just before I left South Africa, my Mom started her Reiki course with Colleen at Midlands House of Healing. She was so incredibly excited and so passionate about what she was learning, and has now achieved her Reiki 2. I am so incredibly proud of her, as well as inspired! It’s such bliss seeing someone follow their passion and healing path in life! I always knew my mom would be a healer, ever since I was young and watched her easily go through 30 day detoxes, sprinkle a million nuts and seeds all over her salads and make weird tea out of alien looking fleshy creatures (kombucha scoby). I always knew…
