• Blog,  Breads and Crackers,  Lunch,  Recipes

    Savory Flax Crackers

    Healthy snacks are a great addition to any diet. Be it low carb, high carb, paleo, vegan or whatever you choose, healthy snacks are perfect to curb hunger and cravings throughout the day. They also give you a great nutritional boost which is always a good thing. The more nutrients the better! As I like to get all my nutrition and nutrients from the food I eat, so the more I can get, the better! One particular healthy snack ingredient is flax! I’m a huge fan of flax. Be it ground or whole, flax is so versatile and is always a staple in my pantry. I generally use ground flax, and am…

  • Blog,  Breads and Crackers,  Recipes

    Mixed Seed Crackers

    So, while the rest of South Africa is going ‘Real Meal Revolution’ mad, I thought I’d add my contribution to the’ banting’ masses and try and whip up a HFLC gluten-free cracker. Boy oh boy, did I succeed!!! With only a handful of ingredients, and really such an easy assembly, this is one of my easiest, and oh so tasty recipes. If you are choosing to avoid gluten at all costs, then this is a great recipe for you.
