Spring Detox Salad
And that’s that! We did it! We survived our first New Zealand Winter! I thought it was never going to end! Winter is nice, but I much prefer the warmer weather! As Winter slowly dissipates, we welcome Spring with wide open arms! This time of year is the best! The warm jasmine scented air, the energizing sunshine, and the hustle and bustle of all those who are slowly coming out of hibernation. I love it! It’s such a clean, fresh time of year, and what better a time for nourishing light meals, like this Spring Detox Salad.
As soon as I felt the crisp Winter air begin to fade out, it was almost instinctual of my body to want lighter, smaller meals. So I’ve been opting for salads most evenings, followed by some delicious soothing ‘loose’ herbal tea blends. I find going to bed on a lighter tummy, increases my energy in the morning, and stabilizes my sugar levels too!
Now, the base of this salad is homegrown green lentil sprouts. I know sprouts can be quite expensive in the shops, but they really are so incredibly easy and affordable if you do them yourself. All you’ll need is:
- Dry Green Lentils (Buy from wholefood stores, so affordable!)
- Clean Filtered Water
- Glass Jar
- Colander (I use a ceramic one which works so well)
Health Benefits of Green Lentil Sprouts:
- Sprouted lentils are naturally low in calories and, as opposed to other sources of protein like meat and poultry, they have no fat
- The vitamin C in sprouted lentils is a powerful antioxidant, which helps combat the signs of aging and aids in the prevention certain cancers. It also helps manufacture the protein collagen, which is necessary to the production of blood vessels, cartilage, ligaments, skin and tendons as well as for the repair and maintenance of your teeth and bones. Vitamin C is also crucial to wound healing and supports your immune system. Each cup of sprouted lentils contains 14 percent of the daily value for this vitamin.
- A 1 cup serving of sprouted lentils contains 77 g of folate, a B vitamin, which is crucial to iron production and in making new cells. Sprouted lentils are also packed with 248 mg of potassium, which is necessary to muscle function, as well as being crucial to the healthy functioning of your heart.
Along with these great benefits, include the fact that sprouted green lentils are packed with plant protein and dietary fiber. Protein is necessary for almost all bodily processes, particularly the creation and maintenance of cells, organ repair, skin regeneration, bone growth, muscle development, and a number of other very important aspects of health. This means that sprouts are an easy and delicious way to improve the overall functioning and development of your body. Eating raw sprouts will increase our digestion power and can help to flush out impurities and detoxify our blood. This is great if you’re thinking of doing a mini Spring cleanse/detox. Sprouts increase the activity of hydrolytic enzymes and also regulate our blood sugar level to provide the required nutrients throughout the body. They’re high in nutrients and low in calories, yet full of fiber, so they’ll help to keep you fuller for longer and are great for weight loss.
They really are natures little powerhouses. To think that that tiny little sprout has the means to grow into a huge plant! That’s some serious plant based fuel there!!!!!
This salad is loaded with goodness! So much Vitamin C from the sprouts and navel orange. I love the burst of citrus flavor! So vibrant! The coriander helps in the proper secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, thereby stimulating digestion and peristaltic motion. It’s also full of antioxidants which is great for detoxing and helping to prevent free radical damage. The avocado is full of healthy fats that’ll promote healthy glowing skin. The tahini is a great plant based source of calcium, and is a staple in most vegetarian and vegan diets. Although the sprouts are loaded with protein, they’re not a full source of protein as they are missing the amino acid methionone. Be sure to include foods like brown rice in your day to ensure you’re getting the full protein absorption.

- 1 Cup Sprouted Green Lentils
- 1 Medium Carrot (I used a purple carrot)
- 1 Large Navel Orange
- 1/2 Avocado
- 1/2 Cup Chopped Coriander
- 2 TBS Tahini
- 1/2 Lemon
- Rinse and roughly chop the coriander
- Peel the carrot and slice into thin, bite size slices
- Peel the orange and cut into segments
- Peel and dice the avocado
- Arrange all above ingredients, including the sprouts, onto a plate
- Drizzle with tahini and squeeze the fresh lemon juice over all ingredients

I hope you enjoyed this recipe! Let me know what you think below! And remember to like, follow and subscribe π

YUMMMY!!!! (:
Yay! Thank you my friend π