Poached Egg on Toast
This is a super tasty breakfast option. I feel that, to step out of the routine of making cereals and porridge for breakfast, savory plates are such a treat.
So I do, on the occasion, chomp an eggie or two. I really do enjoy the taste of eggs, and the effect they have in my body. When I eat them, my body is happy, and that’s what we all want, right?
I generally get my eggs, either from Woolworths (Organic free-range, that have the most incredibly yellow yolks EVER!), the health shop(local free-range) or local veggie shop. I try source the most ethically correct eggs, that come from well kept and treated chickens. One day I will have my own chickens, and have my own supply, which I will share of course!
For this recipe, I used the incredibly handy silicon egg poachers, which you can find at most kitchen shops. They are so handy, and work so well. I’ve tried so many times to poach eggs in water with vinegar, and it always turns out a shambles, so these little cups help so much making it so easy and quick. Just what I like.
I then serve the eggies on toasted Low GI Health Bread. I used to be a great fan of this bread. It made me feel good and my tum full, but reading the packaging thoroughly, I discovered that it could contain genetically modified ingredients, and was unimpressed! For this recipe in future, I’d use home-made gluten free bread, or 100% rye in place of the health bread.
Now the little garnish warm salad on the side is so tasty! and I really do feel it compliments the egg so well. Not only adding beauty to your plate, it is packed with healthy nutrients to nourish the body and flavors to tickle the palate.
- 1 Organic Free Range Egg
- 1 Slice Low GI Health Bread – Toasted
- 5-6 Button Mushrooms
- 1/3 Shredded Red Cabbage
- 1/2 Tsp crushed Garlic
- 1/3 Tsp Ground Coriander
- 1/2 Tsp Coconut Oil – for frying
- 1/3 Tsp Cumin
- 1/3 Tsp Paprika
- Grind of Himalayan Rock Salt and Pepper

Poach your egg. There is personal preference here as to how you like your eggs. I like mine still quite soft and gooey in the center. I placed a small pot of warm water on the stove, placed the egg cup (with the egg) in the water and brought to the boil. Constantly testing the top of the egg, you can kind of feel the hardness of the yolk. I’d say around 4-6mins from start to end. Just check your egg, and take out when you feel it’s ready.
The next step is to pop the toast into the toaster.
Chop your mushrooms while the pan heats up with the coconut oil in. Add the garlic and mushrooms to the pan. Allow to soften and add the cabbage. Add all the seasonings and allow to saute on a medium heat for about 4 minutes, until cooked through.
Serve with the poached egg on toast. Garnish with fresh coriander.
So easy to make, and boasting so much goodness!
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