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Raw Lemon Squares

Copy of RecipesLemons! Fresh lemons from a gorgeous workmate, picked straight from her abundant tree. Local is most definitely best, and so much more appreciated!

So with all these beautiful bright vibrant lemons, I decided to make the most decadent, creamy, zesty and incredibly moreish Raw Lemon Squares. Goodness, these little squares of happiness have to be one of my favorite creations lately. I just can’t get enough of them. 

For that mid-morning or mid-afternoon slump, these babies will help glide you through, licking your fingers with the biggest grin stretched across your face. They are such a treat, and have so much flavor, everyone will love, rant and rave about them! They hardly taste healthy, let alone vegan and refined-sugar free, but don’t be fooled, they most certainly are!

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Before we proceed …. March?!? Can you comprehend! So what the hell happened to January, never mind February! Time is just flying by! This whole thought on the speed of time, made me reflect. I’m not getting any younger and the fact that I turn 30 next year blows my mind beyond measure! Where the hell did my twenties go! Life is definitely a roller coaster of a journey, and these days I am trying to embrace every second of it.

Today, while sitting in a quite shaded spot in the gardens in town (while eating my carrot/cucumber/bell pepper sticks with tahini and misomite) I looked up at the trees above, branches swaying gently in the crisp autumnal breeze. I thought to myself, I am so blessed! For those few minutes I tried hard to stop the bursting river of thoughts in my mind, and focused on appreciating all the things in front of me. The beautiful trees, crisp green lawns, warm sunshine, gentle breeze, nutritious lunch, the fat little ducks waddling in front of me. Appreciation. I felt it, and it felt real. I felt so good afterwards. It seriously felt like a min mind detox. Whatever I was worrying about before, had trickled passed and was now gone. I felt good. I felt happy. Appreciation. Give it a go πŸ˜‰

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So, back to this delicious creation! The health benefits:

  • Buckwheat Grouts/Buckinis: rich supply of flavonoids, particularly rutin. Flavonoids are phytonutrients that protect against disease by extending the action of vitamin C and acting as antioxidants. It also has a well-balanced starch, protein, fat and mineral composition.
  • Pumpkin Seeds/Pepitas: contain conventional antioxidant vitamins like vitamin E. However, not only do they contain vitamin E, but they contain it in a wide variety of forms. Alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, alpha-tocomonoenol and gamma-tocomonoenol are all forms of vitamin E found in pumpkin seeds.
  • Lemon: contains many nourishing elements like vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, folate, niacin thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, copper,  calcium, iron,  magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and protein.
  • Cacao Butter: high in anti-aging antioxidants and great for suppressing appetite for weight loss

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