Natural Dental Products
From mercury amalgam fillings to the controversy surrounding fluoride, more and more people are opting for a more natural approach to dental and oral care. There are so many lovely natural products available on the market, made with earth-friendly products.
Lets just quickly familiarize ourselves with a few facts:
HARMFUL EFFECTS OF FLUORIDE Fluoride is used as an insecticide and a roach killer. Even at the level they use to fluoridate your public water supply, usually at the rate of about 1 part fluoride for every million parts of water (1 ppm) by weight, it causes severe problems. As little as one-tenth of an ounce of fluoride will cause death. It is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. No one will die from drinking one glass of fluoridated water, but it is the long term chronic effects of drinking fluoridated water that affects health.
FLUORIDATED TOOTHPASTE Unless it says on the package does not contain fluoride, you are using fluoridated toothpaste. Fluoridated toothpaste contains 1,000 ppm fluoride. There is enough fluoride at 1,000 to 1,500 parts per million to kill a small child if they consume the entire tube. If a child consumes just part of it, it could result in either acute or chronic toxicity.
MERCURY FILLINGS are also a key point in dental health. It is scientifically proven that reactive forms of mercury are released into your body when one chews, and the fillings compact against each other. This reactive from of mercury is then absorbed into your body and has disastrously negative effects on organs and many other parts of the body.
If you do decided to get your mercury fillings removed, please be sure your dentist has a full protocol and is done right, by the right person and in the right way. When dealing with mercury, you must be aware your dealing with a substance that is neuro-toxic, more toxic than DDT and it can cause insanity.
It’s shocking that a culture can still be drilling one of the most toxic substances on the plant, into people’s teeth. It’d be a great idea to get yours removed if you have any, bearing in mind that removal if not done properly can be very dangerous too.
On a positive note, we can take control of our dental health, by choosing products that are effective and not harmful. Dental health also starts from within, so if you are prone to dental and oral issues, there could be an underlying issue with your diet and internal health which will need to be addressed.
Product 1: Treet-It Tea Tree Oil Mouth Wash
This mouth wash is lovely, especially for diabetics. It is sugar free, as well as not containing alcohol, fluoride or colorants. It is made with genuine Australian Tea Tree Oil, so you know you’re getting the good quality stuff. Tea tree is anti-viral and great for helping fight infections.
It has a refreshing aftertaste, leaving the whole mouth feeling clean and healthy. I use mine after I’ve flossed and brushed, by swirling a bit in my mouth for about a minute or so, then spitting it out.
P.S Keep a look out at your nearest Dischem, as sometime’s you’re able to buy one and get one absolutely free! Now who doesn’t love a good bargain!
Product 2: Earthsap Toothpaste
This is such a lovely product, with only a handful of ingredients. It works really well, and you have the assurance that there are no sneaking toxic ingredients damaging your teeth, mouth and overall health. Earthsap have a range of flavors, this one being tea tree, mint and herbs.
I love the shape of the tube too, as it can easily stand up on the shelf, taking up minimal space, leaving the bathroom neat and tidy. Baking soda, found in this toothpaste, is so versatile, and a perfect ingredient to help boost the alkalinity of the mouth.
It is made locally in South Africa so there is little carbon footprint. Brush with this product twice a day, after flossing and before mouthwash. The company Earthsap have a stunning range of products, all non-toxic and natural. From vegetable wash to laundry powder, Earthsap has it covered. Visit the Faithful to Nature website below for more info and prices:
Product 3: Miswak Herbal Toothpaste
This product, although it’s ingredients are not 100% natural, it’s a good transition product from mainstream toothpastes laden with fluoride.