Pic’s Peanut Butter Factory Tour
I am such an avid fan of supporting local businesses, and in Nelson, I’m so lucky to have access to an array of beautiful products made locally. From locally picked frozen berries to Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, I make a point of supporting local businesses and reducing my carbon footprint as much as I can. In these modern times I believe every little helps!
That brings me to one of my most favorite locally made products, and one that has featured in a number of my published recipes, the ever so popular Pic’s Peanut Butter!
I had the wonderful treat of being invited by a good friend to go on the Pic’s Peanut Butter Factory Tour, which is a 30min tour of the factory in Wakatu Estate, Stoke.
Pic’s story of how he came to produce New Zealand’s #1 Peanut Butter, is one that’s truly inspiring!
Pic experimented with making peanut butter that was sugar free as well as free from emulsifiers, antioxidants and unspecified hydrogenated oils. Blowing up his cheap modern blender in the process, his result was a delicious mixture that soon inspired him to start selling his homemade jars at the local Nelson market.
At age 55, Pic created an amazing and innovative peanut roaster out of a concrete mixer and bought a bench top grinder (pictured below). He got cracking with a tonne of hi oleic peanuts brought in from Australia, created a bunch of delicious jars of peanut butter, and made his way into many kitchen cupboards in New Zealand. In such a short space of time, his business has bloomed, and you can now find Pic’s Peanut Butter even as far as Singapore, Scotland, New York and Hong Kong!
It really is so inspiring to see someone driven by passion and exceeding successfully beyond expectations, in such a short space of time! I really do respect and am inspired by you Pic! Well done!!! I was ever so lucky enough to meet Pic just the other day in our local Fresh Choice. He was there celebrating their 20th birthday, promoting his wonderful products, along with his gorgeous fur baby/guide dog.
I think it’s so important, especially for the younger generation, to know or at least have some idea of where your food is coming from. How far did it travel to get to your plate, and at what costs, environmentally and financially. Reducing carbon footprint is so important these days, with world wide pollution hitting all time highs.
The tour of the factory was great! and I highly recommend it to all ages! For little kiddies, it’s great to be able to let them learn how their favorite foods are made, and where they come from. My friend’s little daughter thoroughly enjoyed the tour, and even received a Pic’s Peanut Butter Red star badge for getting a question right! How awesome! To be able to see the production line and see how the inner working of the factory run so smoothly was such a treat!
All their products are for sale at the factory, as well as having an online store. One of my favorites being the peanut butter slugs, which are shot-sized sachets of peanut butter, designed to be sucked straight out of the packet – Genius!!! Such an innovative product, and I absolutely love the red paper clamp to seal the slugs when you’re done. Such a clever idea!
Be sure to check out the ‘tour toaster’ that Pic got made, when he was promoting his peanut butter in the earlier days! It is so cute! A food cart in the shape of a toaster – Love it π
” The Picβs Slug is the first of Picβs products to carry the Health Star rating, a consumer guide to healthy foods. Having been awarded five out of a possible five stars, Picβs Slugs are a delicious and healthy choice for anyone looking for a nutritious snack that can be eaten as is, or squeezed onto fresh fruit or vegetables for a super healthy gluten and dairy-free lunch.”
As mentioned, it really was a fun little outing, so if you’re ever in the area, I’d recommend you pop into the factory for a tour. All the details are on their website, along with their product range, blog and a whole lot more.
For a healthy treat, why not try my Black Bean Peanut Butter Brownies recipe that includes this delicious peanut butter π