My New eBook – Fun Food
It is so very exciting to announce and release my new eBook, Fun Food, which has been such fun creating and designing. Fun Food was born when a lovely friend of mine asked for some help with her daughters diet.
As her daughter happens to be my (Wellness with Taryn’s) ‘biggest little fan’ I was instantly inspired and excited to share my knowledge in a format that would hopefully be easy enough for her to grasp. It’s pages are colorful and vibrant which I hope would be enticing for her little eyes.
In this day and age most young children are pretty savvy with the latest technology, so I wanted to create something that she could access on her tablet. An eBook was the first thing that came to mind. The thing I love about this eBook is that it’ll be something she can refer back to whenever she wants, encouraging her to make regular use of it.
I created Fun Food with all ages in mind, and it’s really about getting in touch with our own bodies and making that connection. Being aware of how certain foods affect us and hopefully adjusting in a positive way for better health and wellness.
What is inside
Fun Food explains in an easy way why it’s so important to be mindful of what we eat and how our food makes us feel. It helps us to establish the connection between our diet and our energy levels, as well as moods.
It explains the different food groups, and what they consist of.
It includes an array of recipes (along with links to my site) and meal ideas that can help to create a wholefood based nourishing diet. Fun Food gives you good healthy habits to try develop and implement into your day, helping you be the best version of you.
I’ve also included a basic Food Diary for you to jot down the foods you eat in a day, and alongside your energy levels, feelings and mood. This can help make that connection that what we eat actually has such a big effect in how we feel. It can also make us more aware of what we eat and habits that we need to change.
Lastly I’ve added the “High Five Food Group Hand” which is a fun way to remember the five food groups you need to eat from each day.
I hope you enjoy and feel free to share it with your friends and family. Remember to subscribe to stay updated with all my latest posts and recipes.