Governors Bay Foreshore Track Walk
I’ve been wanting to start a series on the blog sharing some of nature walks that I love, in and around the city. When we moved to Christchurch, I immediately began researching all the tracks close to me to explore, and this Governors Bay Foreshore Track was one of them. So, one morning, I packed up my camera and took a drive to see what I could find.
Since moving to New Zealand and living in Nelson for 8 years, it’s become somewhat of a hobby of mine to explore and discover new nature walks. New Zealand has such an abundance of easily accessible nature walks, that are so abundant in beauty! It really is so inspiring to get out into nature, move my body and fill my lungs with fresh air.
Nature really is my sanctuary, and such a safe place for me to get out of my head, soak up my surrounds and really just immerse myself in and be present in the current moment.
I choose not to walk with music or a podcast in my ears, but to rather soak up the birdsong and sounds all around me. It really is such a therapeutic way to hush the clutter that can fill our minds on a daily basis. Some people like to meditate, some find this inner peace in in certain exercise practices, but for me – a walk in nature is my soul sanctuary (yoga a very close runner-up).
The Coastal Track
Let’s take a visual stroll along the path towards Lyttelton. Now, I will admit I didn’t get very far along this path – mainly due the fact of being heavily waylaid with photography inspiration. But I’m quite okay with that! It felt so great to get my creative juices flowing again and even just sitting here typing these words feels like I’ve come home in a way.
These photo’s were taking in the early spring, where signs of growth and new beginnings were everywhere.
This blog has been with me through many life changes, and for that I’m grateful – even if I do wonder sometimes if I should just throw in the towel and call it a day and pocket the money spent on hosting and domains. Maybe that day will come, but for now – we’ll share the beauty of nature on the beautiful morning walk along the bay.
Thank you so much for reaching the end of this post, and I hope it inspires you to get out into nature and re-wild yourself. Let me know what you thought of everything I captured in the comments below. Much love…