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Chocolate Coconut Popsicles

There’s nothing better than indulging on a homemade popsicle on a hot summers day! Although summer hasn’t really made a huge appearance yet this year, there have been some pretty warm days, and a sneaky little refreshing (and healthy) popsicle is such a great “after dinner treat”. So if you’re looking for a last minute treat for the weekend ahead, I’ve got just the recipe for you. These Chocolate Coconut Popsicles are sure to interest you.

Let’s get to the good stuff! This recipe is seriously so quick, and only needs 4 ingredients! Yup, ONLY 4! The process is so simple too, blend and set in the freezer overnight! Who would have thought these creamy, subtly sweet pops could be so affordable and easy to make! I was inspired by a friends lovely mum, who actually made some with rooibos tea and mixed fruit. They were absolutely delicious! And I knew I had to try create some for myself. 

I used the amazingly creamy coconut cream by Little Bare and it seriously is the BEST coconut cream I’ve ever used! It doesn’t seem to crystallize when frozen, like a lot of other coconut creams do, which is perfect for dairy free ice cream recipes! They are a local company too, which I am pleased to support! 


As I used carob for the chocolate flavor, which means these popsicles are caffeine free and perfect for little ones. I love raw cacao and all it’s amazing qualities and nutritional benefits, but for an after dinner treat, I opted for carob rather than cacao to avoid any caffeine induced restless nights. If you wanted to use cacao, that’d perfectly fine. You’d just need to maybe add a bit more natural sweetener to avoid any bitterness. Carob is naturally sweet, so I only used minimal sweetener.

The end result is a seriously creamy, smooth and delectable chocolate ice cream treat that will tick all the boxes. Healthy, delicious, affordable, simple and naturally sweetened goodness!

I used some molds that I found at our local supermarket, because I couldn’t find any one’s I liked elsewhere. But if you don’t have molds, you could used deep ice cube trays or any other container that would suit. Just run some water over the mold when you want to get want one, and they should easily slide out. Find what works for you and just have fun!

Chocolate Coconut Popsicles
Yields 6
A quick, simple and delicious treat for those hot summer days. Perfect for kiddies, and totally healthy. Sweetened with natural sugars as well as dairy free and vegan
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Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 1 TBS Organic Carob Powder (Dissolved in a little boiling water)
  2. 2 Large Frozen Bananas (Peeled and then frozen)
  3. 1 Can Coconut Cream (Using only the cream)
  4. Sweeteners (Optional) (Agave Nectar, maple syrup, stevia, etc)
  5. Dark Vegan Chocolate (Sugar free)(Melted bain marie style and drizzled over)
  1. Dissolve the carob in a mug with a little hot water.
  2. Place the frozen bananas into your nutribullet/blender
  3. Add the dissolved carob and coconut cream
  4. Blend until smooth and creamy
  5. Pour into your choice of ice cream molds and set in the freezer over night
  6. Run the mold under water to help remove the popsicles
  7. Melt the vegan sugar free dark chocolate bain marie style and drizzle over each popsicle
  8. Place back into the mold to freeze if you aren't eating them all right away
  1. Use Organic where possible
  2. These popsicles will need to set over-night in the freezer
Wellness with Taryn



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