Cakes & Desserts
Feijoa and Coconut Muffins
Experimenting in the kitchen with different fruits can be exciting and challenging. For me, playing with the New Zealand Feijoa fruit has been incredibly fun. Coming from South Africa, I had never ever heard of such fruit, never mind tasting it. So I was ‘over the moon’ excited to try out this cute little odd shaped fruit, especially being someone who loves trying different fruits and vegetables. I instantly fell in love with the flavor, and that was me, hooked π So you can imagine how happy I was when a lovely friend blessed me with a whole bag full of the funny little fruits, straight off the tree from her…
Raw Vegan Lemon & Lime Cheesecake
The world of raw food is so diverse, and really can be so artistic. I often sit scrolling the internet for inspiration, and my mind is often blown at what people can create with raw food. Now I don’t mean raw as in salmonella raw, I mean food that hasn’t been heated over 47degrees C (I think) and no nutrients or natural enzymes of the food have been damaged due to heat. I myself don’t follow a fully raw diet at all. I find what feels good with my body, and my body likes warm foods. I do, although, like to keep between 60% and 80% of my diet raw, which…
Coconut Chia and Banana Passion Fruit Breakfast Bowl
A couple of posts ago, you’d see our Adventure to Picton, New Zealand, and on this adventure we managed to find a massive stretch of Banana Passion Fruit vines. Now while we were there, there weren’t many to be found, ripe and on the ground. We did, however, find a few and I at least got to taste this delicious fruit for the first time. One of my lovely friends, Lee-Anne, then gave me a bag of them that our trusty tour guide had managed to collect on a trip back up to Picton the following day. The big rainfall from the previous night had helped bring these little gems down…
Blueberry Chia Pudding
Chia seeds are so awesome! I love them and they’re always a staple in my pantry. There’s just so much you can do with them, and the health benefits are incredible. It’s crazy to think that so much goodness can fit in such a tiny little seed. That’s mother nature for you! This recipe is so so simple, it’s ridiculous! Now, granted if you’re new to the magical world of chia seeds, the texture is a little different, and for some, takes some getting used to.
Carrot Bran and Walnut Muffins
With Easter around the corner, lots of you will be entertaining or visiting family, and these muffins are a perfect accompany to any family tea. They’re a healthy alternative to store bought, sugar laden muffins, and are sweetened with dates and raisins. They’re full of fiber and are very very ‘moreish’! If you’re like me, and love that little mid-morning or afternoon pick-me-up-snack and a cuppa tea, then you’ll love this recipe, because these muffins really hit the snack attack spot. They contain affordable ingredients, so are great if you’re on a budget.
Egg Box Raw Chocolate
Valentines Day! A day to indulge in this delicious and guilt free Raw Chocolate. With this recipe I wanted to do something different. Something fun, and something that wouldn’t break the bank. So I scraped around, and came up with this fab idea. Egg Box Molded Raw Chocolates! And it worked out brilliantly! This is such a fun recipe as it involves playing around a bit. It’s a great recipe to share with little ones too, who love to help out in the kitchen. With only a few ingredients, it is a quick, relatively affordable and fun alternative to mainstream sugar laden chocolate.
Decadent Raw Chocolate
Sugar-Free, dairy-Free, trans-fat Free and totally Guilt Free chocolate, filled with abundant nutritional goodness! Raw Cacao Superfood powder is truly a staple ingredient in my kitchen cupboard. I add it to my breakfasts in the morning, my smoothies, and tasty treats. It is loaded with nutrients, and is so versatile.
Fudgy Date Balls
Healthy living can be really easy, if you learn to plan ahead. An important factor in a healthy clean diet is meal planning. You should be having 5-6 meals in a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner (medium sized servings of each, dinner being the lightest), and healthy snacks in between. Why? In order to have balanced sugar levels, without any spikes and surges, low-GI healthy clean meals and healthy snacks help to keep your sugar and energy levels plateaued throughout the day.
Sweet Potato Caramel Tart
This is the first time I have experimented with Lacuma and dates! and Wow! A pair made in heaven. Simply divine! They combine, with the steamed sweet potato, to form the most decadent caramel center! It’s almost unbelievable that this recipe is refine sugar free, has no dairy or gluten and is totally healthy, boasting a list of beneficial nutrients.