7 Day Distance Healing (Reiki)
Just before I left South Africa, my Mom started her Reiki course with Colleen at Midlands House of Healing. She was so incredibly excited and so passionate about what she was learning, and has now achieved her Reiki 2. I am so incredibly proud of her, as well as inspired! It’s such bliss seeing someone follow their passion and healing path in life! I always knew my mom would be a healer, ever since I was young and watched her easily go through 30 day detoxes, sprinkle a million nuts and seeds all over her salads and make weird tea out of alien looking fleshy creatures (kombucha scoby). I always knew she’d head along a healing path in life.
I am now more aware and knowledgeable of what she practiced, and have too fallen in love with kombucha tea π (apple doesn’t fall far from the tree). So, knowing my Mom was blissfully flowing through her course, I had to find out more about her teacher, Colleen, who she spoke so highly of. And that is where my 7 Day Distance Healing comes into the picture.
I often chuckle to myself at how small the world actually is. While I was perusing the Midlands House of Healing site, I noticed a few things. Firstly that my best friend was in one of the banner photo’s, and that a friend of MHOH was the beautiful Keri from Midlands Musings (now We Are the Wildflowers), who I’ve been following for quite some time now. Love how this massive Earth is actually such a small space.
So I connected with Colleen, and signed up to the Midlands House of Healing blog, as well as started following her on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook. I absolutely love her posts on the beauty of the Dargle (Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa), which is where she is based, and funny enough is where I grew up and lived for 16 years of my life.
With a growing interest in Reiki, and being inclined to healing on all facets, I was super excited about a 7 Day Distance Healing with Colleen. I documented all me feelings and emotions and here is a summary of what I learnt and felt throughout the 7 days:
- Firstly I allowed myself to be open to Colleens positive healing energy
- All the healing that she sent each day, I would also focus on and send love and healing energy to those areas myself
- I became super aware of my inner true self, and practiced self love affirmations daily
- I incorporated yoga (vinyasa flow) and meditation (yoga nidra) into my healing journey as well as attended restorative and hot yoga classes
- I kept my crystals close by and listened to Chakra cleansing music wherever I could, and immersed myself if the calmness of it
- I felt radiant, happy and full of light. Amoungst what was going on in my life at the time I felt incredibly excited, kind of rejuvenated
- I began to feel the rise of emotions. I tried hard to observe them and remain unattached. Any feelings of negativity I sent love and smiled, which left me feeling happy
- I felt clear, and somewhat ‘clean’, as I allowed any feelings of anxiety or stress to pass by
- I felt so grounded, and the yoga really helped me to feel so connected to my inner self. I felt calm
- I began to feel a deeper understanding with myself, and the universe. As Colleen worked on the flow of abundance, I opened myself up to receive. The feeling of abundance is so very special and magical
- Along with Colleen, I sent healing to my pancreas, healing to my endocrine system, and healing to my cells. Healing on all levels that my Diabetes affects
- I started to align my positive energy with that of the universe to create and manifest my intentions and receive abundance
- I feel good! I feel empowered and excited for life!
I really felt a lot better after the seven days. Not that I felt bad before, but I felt amazing afterwards, and still do! Everything is a lot more clearer. I feel a lot more aware of my Self and feel more connected. My heart feels so much more open. Open to receive. Open to love. Open!
Even if one doesn’t believe in the healing powers of Reiki, just being aware of your true self has such a magical healing influence.
Here is a write up explaining a bit about Reiki and here is another site that explains what Reiki is all about and how it is connected to a range of healing practices.
I want to thank Colleen for this awesome experience and beautiful 7 day journey π