• Blog,  Lunch,  Main Meals,  Recipes

    Mixed Herb Lentil and Wild Rice Chunky Soup

      As the days get shorter and the mornings get darker, I can feel the changes in the weather. Although subtle, the crisp cooler air in the mornings is becoming more apparent, and I can feel the seasons shifting. In a way I am glad. I’m not particularly fond of the cold, but I am grateful for balance, even in nature. It allows me to appreciate the warmth of Summer and for that I am grateful. Life is all about balance, and so why not embrace the balance of nature. With that said, I had been craving something nourishing, dense and filling. A dish of substance and bold flavors, one…

  • Blog,  Juices & Smoothies,  Recipes

    Super Antioxidant Avocado Seed Smoothie

    As we all know by now, avocados are one of the most delicious additions to any healthy diet. From smashed avo toast, to toppings on a colorful salad, or sneakily the main ingredient in chocolate mousse, this fruit has grown immensely in popularity over the last couple of years.  But it’s the inner seed or ‘pit’ that seems to be getting more and more recognition lately for it’s surprisingly huge nutritional benefits. As if the creamy, smooth and delectable fruit wasn’t good enough, it’s center seed is actually a powerhouse of antioxidants all on it’s own. That’s where this Super Antioxidant Avocado Seed Smoothie comes into the limelight.

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Raw Vegan Peppermint Chocolate

    Easter eggs are popping up everywhere, and I don’t know about you but this time of year my chocolate cravings tend to escalate rapidly. So I decided that it would be a great idea to share a healthy, decadent and nourishing chocolate recipe. A recipe that’s indulgent and free from guilt. A recipe that’ll leave your saliva glands working on over time. A recipe that’ll keep you coming back for more…. I’m sure by now you get the picture.

  • Blog,  Lunch,  Main Meals,  Recipes

    Roasted Red Capsicum, Tomato and Basil Pasta

    Can we just all stop for one second, and revel in the news that ‘Plant-Based Food’ is named a top trend for 2016. Say What??? I mean, HELL YEAH!!!! It’s about time!!! This little snippet of information has got me super excited, and happy that more and more people are opting for a plant based lifestyle. This is amazing, and I’m so thrilled as I truly do believe it is the way forward! The fact that more awareness is being steered towards nourishing wholefoods, and lifestyles free from animal products is so inspiring! And this Roasted Red Capsicum, Tomato and Basil Pasta is an example of how delicious this lifestyle can be.

  • Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Cookies & Sweets,  Recipes

    Raw Lemon Squares

    Lemons! Fresh lemons from a gorgeous workmate, picked straight from her abundant tree. Local is most definitely best, and so much more appreciated! So with all these beautiful bright vibrant lemons, I decided to make the most decadent, creamy, zesty and incredibly moreish Raw Lemon Squares. Goodness, these little squares of happiness have to be one of my favorite creations lately. I just can’t get enough of them. 
