Earth Friendly Body, Home and Living Products (Ecostore Product Review)
When you start becoming aware of what your putting in your body, you’ll begin to take a closer look at what your putting on your body and what products you use around your home. Once I started doing a bit of research into what effects these unpronounceable ingredients have on our bodies and our environment, my eyes grew big and I actually had to take a moment. How can a society be using these toxic and harmful ingredients in so many commonly used products. It definitely warped my mind. So with this new found knowledge I decided to clean out all my toxic chemical laden beauty, bath and home products.…
Berrylicious Chocolate Smoothie
I absolutely love how versatile frozen berries are. They’re a must in every health conscious person’s freezer, as you can whip them into something delicious, in a short space of time. For me, I love how they transform a regular chocolate smoothie into a drink bursting with flavor. This smoothie is a quick and delicious treat, as a mid-morning or afternoon snack to raise energy levels, and to satisfy a sweet tooth.
Vitalizing Beetroot Juice
Move over energy drinks, nature has a kick-ass alternative that”ll blow your mind! Beetroot juice, yup!!! Hardy, earthy beetroot juice. Sportsmen and women all over the world are slowly figuring out the amazing effects of beetroot juice, and they massive impact it has while exercising. Beside the effect a plant-based, natural diet has on performance, studies have shown that beetroot juice has an amazing effect that boosts energy and thus performance. So why does beetroot have these amazing benefits?
Macadamia Nut ‘Cheese’
Before my massive lifestyle changes, I was never a great fan of regular cheese. Yeah I used to eat it, but it wasn’t a necessity. Obviously my pizza’s back in the day used to be laced with the stuff, but other than that, I didn’t really consume much of the stuff. I did, however, love feta cheese. I think it’s something about the saltiness and the texture that really turned my taste buds on. Only recently have I made the decision to stop eating it, purely for the fact that it, like other cheese, is pretty much rot. Yup, no more feta for me please and thank you! Luckily, there…