• Blog,  Cakes & Desserts,  Recipes

    Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins

    With the apparent abundance of lemons this time of year, I’ve been incorporating as much lemon into my diet as possible. Whether it be squeezed freshly over a salad, or juiced and frozen into ice blocks for a refreshing glass of sparkling water. It hasn’t been difficult because I love lemons, and use them so regularly. They’re amazingly good for you, as I’ll discuss a little later on. So, while searching for inspiration, this Lemon Poppy Seed Muffin recipe was created, and I incorporated the ever so delicious Vanilla Cashew Glaze. This creamy sweet concoction paired so well with the zesty lemon muffins ending in a recipe success.

  • Blog,  Breakfast,  Juices & Smoothies,  Recipes

    Detoxifying Green Juice

    Yay! Spring has sprung! And while I really did enjoy this Winter, I cannot wait for longer days, afternoon beach walks, refreshing salads and less washing! I don’t know if you can relate, but our washing load doubles in the winter, so I’m very much looking forward to wearing (and washing) less clothing. Another thing I’m craving is to be barefoot more. To feel the earth beneath my feet, without my toes freezing off! Can’t wait!  To toast the beginning of Spring, I decided to make a Detoxifying Green Juice recipe to begin the new season with a clean fresh start. It’s always a good time to reflect, reset and restart.…

  • Blog,  Lunch,  Recipes,  Salads

    Spring Detox Salad

    And that’s that! We did it! We survived our first New Zealand Winter! I thought it was never going to end! Winter is nice, but I much prefer the warmer weather! As Winter slowly dissipates, we welcome Spring with wide open arms! This time of year is the best! The warm jasmine scented air, the energizing sunshine, and the hustle and bustle of all those who are slowly coming out of hibernation. I love it! It’s such a clean, fresh time of year, and what better a time for nourishing light meals, like this Spring Detox Salad.
