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Fudgy Chocolate Chickpea Squares

I am so excited about this blog post and recipe! It’s really one that has inspired me and these Fudgy Chocolate Chickpea Squares are one of many recipe I aspire to make that are wholesomely balanced. What I mean by that is that they contain carbohydrates, plant protein and healthy fats.

The inspiration for this recipe came from an awesome South African chick who I follow on Instagram – Max aka @sugarfreesundays. Through her blog Sugar Free Sundays, she shares her journey through life including all the sugar free/foodie goodness that goes along with it.

Max has shed light on counting macro’s and for me, this has resonated so highly as it could be the missing link in my journey to wellness. Okay, shit’s about to get deep and brutally honest.

I’ve been on this journey for 6 years now – that’s six years refined sugar free, gluten free and predominantly plant based. Through those six years I have lost approximately 20kg’s, toned my body, exuded energy and felt amazing.

But in those six years I have also immigrated to a new country and started a whole new life from scratch, had struggles with my diabetes, and ultimately have gained weight. And while I maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat all the right foods and feel like I’m in the best head space of my life so far – my body has felt out of balance.

Then, I find this epic rad girl on Instagram, who shares her mind, inspires me and is so informative about food and macronutrients, it’s like she’s opened my eyes to the problem that could be causing my in-balanced feels this whole time. What, you ask, could this be? Calories my friend, calories!

In an average day of eating plant based vegan, I get so caught up on the balance between carbohydrates, plant protein, am I eating enough B12 and all those types of thoughts, that I’ve totally neglected the caloric side of my plate.

Where Have I Gone Wrong?

Consistent snacking on healthy (but high in either carbs or healthy fat) snacks, imbalanced meals that either consist of high protein, or high carbs, and generally just not being that mindful about my day on a plate in a whole. All these points, I believe, have led me to gain unwanted weight and have made it very hard to shed it.

So, this last week, I downloaded My Fitness Pal and have religiously been entering in my meals, drinks and snacks and calculating the calories and macronutrients involved. It has been SUCH AN EYEOPENER to say the least. And I think this is where a lot of people get the whole ‘plant-based-refined-sugar-free-eating’ wrong, because I don’t think I’m the only one who’s experienced this.

Now granted, immigrating (and all the stress involved with that) along with having a few ups and down with my sugar levels would have some role in my imbalances, but I really feel like I have a hold on things now, and you have no idea how good that feels.

Put yourself in my shoes for a minute – here you are preaching about health and wellness and balanced lifestyles on your food blog – yet internally you feel like a contradicting failure! I know that sounds harsh, but I seriously have felt that a few of times in the last couple of years.

Embrace this Wellness Journey

But, like I’ve said before, this is a journey. A journey to healing and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Each and every one of us shift in and out of phases and if we can take the lesson associated with each one with us, then I think we’re all doing a pretty good job!

Okay, moving onto this deliciously balanced wholesome recipe that I am so excited to be sharing! These Fudgy Chocolate Chickpea Squares are seriously so freaking delicious, I just can’t handle it. Their consistency, their flavor, their ingredients, they are just in all areas – abso-freaking-lutely amazing! They-re so easy too which is such an added bonus and require NO BAKING! Just blitzed in the food processor, pressed into a tray, left overnight to set in the fridge and that’s it!

Do let me know in the comments below if you try them out, or even if you like the look of them! Who would have thought that chickpeas would work so beautifully in a recipe!

Now while I am still playing around with the macro-caloric side of things, I can tell you these squares are roughly 200 calories each. They contain good amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats. They are a little high on the fat side, but taste so good that it’s worth it! They had minimal effects on my sugar levels as they only have around 17 grams of carbs each, which is wonderful! I really do hope you love them as much as I do!

And please go follow Max @sugarfreesundays. She is seriously such a cracker and her Instagram stories are the best! She’s so informative and just such a pleasure to follow! Thanks Max for all your knowledge and inspiration!

Fudgy Chocolate Chickpea Squares
Prep Time
15 mins
Total Time
15 mins

A healthy delicious balanced snack that is full of plant protein, healthy fats and low GI carbohydrates. Perfectly fudgy with a delicious texture that will make it hard to believe it contains chickpeas.

Course: Dessert, Snack
Cuisine: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Healthy Fats, Plant based, Refined Sugar Free, Sugar Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Servings: 8
Author: Wellness with Taryn
  • 1 Can Organic Chickpeas - drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 Cup Walnuts - raw
  • 2 Scoops Pea Protein Powder - 50g
  • 1/2 Tsp Celtic Sea Salt
  • 1/2 Cup Organic Raw Cacao
  • 1 TBS Stevia granules - or sweetener of your choice
  • 1 TBS Organic Coconut Sugar
  • 2 TBS Organic Cold pressed Coconut Oil - melted
  • 1/4 Cup Boiling Water
  • 1/4 Cup Toasted Dessicated Coconut
  • 1 TBS Organic Hulled Tahini - to drizzle over (OPTIONAL)
  1. Drain and rinse the chickpeas, and place into the food processor.

  2. Add the walnuts, pea protein powder, salt, raw cacao, stevia, coconut sugar and toasted coconut and blend until all combined.

  3. While the processor is running, add the melted coconut oil and boiling water. The mixture will begin to stick together until a big 'dough' ball has formed.

  4. Line a deep baking dish (I used a bread tin) with plastic cling film, and press the mixture down firmly. I use a silicone spatula to do this which helps the mixture not to get stuck to it.

  5. Once the mixture is firmly and evenly pressed down, place in the fridge overnight to set.

  6. Remove and slice into squares.

  7. Place the tahini into a small plastic bag and press all into one corner. Using scissors, snip off a tiny bit of the corner and as you would a piping bag, drizzle the tahini all over the squares.

  8. Serve and enjoy. Keep in a sealed container in the fridge

Recipe Notes

Use Organic wherever possible - This recipe requires a high speed food processor - This recipe requires overnight setting in the fridge




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